Tag Archives: dreams

3 Tips To Letting Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear

It’s easy to find excuses as to why we’re not ready to actively start working towards our dreams.  But no matter how we look at it, the root of those excuses is always fear. The thing to always note about fear is that it is not of God. The word tells us that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind. So, whenever fear creeps into our decision making we have to immediately realize that it is the enemy.

The enemy uses fear to keep us complacent. He doesn’t want us to have everything that God has for us. If he can keep us consumed in our fear we will never have it. Here are 3 ways to tell the enemy to kick rocks and let your faith be bigger than your fear.

1. Learn who you are in Christ (there’s a reminder here) and remind yourself every time the enemy tries to bury you in fear.

2. Know that ALL things work together for your good. Even the things the enemy intended for bad.

3. Consult Christ in your plans and desires. We want to be sure that we pass any ideas we have by the Lord. Ask Holy Spirit to guide and lead you. He always will. You can find a few tips I like to use on discernment here.

That’s it! Lets stop allowing fear to dictate our lives. Cling to the word of God and trust Him even if you have no idea how it’s all going to work, especially when you have no idea how it’s all going to work. Because when it does, they’ll be know doubt in your mind that it was God.